This kit comes with all the parts you need for 50 students to make C02 dragster cars. This kit comes well stocked with 2 cartridges per student. CO2 racing makes learning physical science subjects such as inertia, aerodynamics, thrust, gas expansion and friction a blasts. Not only will students enjoy learning, but their mastery of these topics will be evident in the outcome of their projects.
Dragster Class Pack Parts List (19-5420)
100 x Rear Racing Wheels Cat# 19-1016
100 x Front Dragster Wheels Cat# 19-1015
100 x CO2 Cartridges Cat# 19-1018
50 x Steel Axles 2/pkg Cat# 19-1023
20 x Brass Washers 10/pkg Cat# 19-1021
5 x Straws 10/pkg Cat# 19-1022
50 x 12" Basswood Blanks Cat# 19-1013
4 x Screw Eyes 25/pkg Cat# 19-1024
1 x Idea Sheet Cat# 80-5766
(Demo video below - Kidder supplies a different model of C02 Launcher)